Thursday, May 20, 2010

say yes to MILK! gmbr susu yang aku baru belajar minum.

ANLENE for 19-50 yrs old.(1 in the pic)

hehe.suka.sebab da reti jage kesihatan(poyo gle).haha.

banyak khasiat susu beb.dari dulu tau tapi xnak apply kt badan.

Now,da rase sangat lembik badan+makin bongkok baru terbuka hati kt En.susu.

ni ape yang aku leh share gan korang tentang goodness susu,try bace keh(amek dr tenet,bace j la even dwibahase dah jadinya entry ni)hehe;

~Milk is naturally packed full of essential nutrients including vitamin A, B3, B6, B12, D, E & K, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, and selenium. Milk also provides a complete source of protein (both whey and casein) for growth and development.

and f.y.i, OSTEOPOROSIS affects 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men

*concern cket eh sesape y bace pasne*.Keje2 jugak,enjin dalam kene jage jugak k.

and ak x brape ingat mane ak dapat satu fact ni,..1 of the reasons perempuan need to drink more susu sebab during pregnant(yang ke hulu hilir bawak 3,4 kg tuh),..kekuatan tulang is extremely important dek non.hehew~

oleh itu,marilah.marilah kita bersama menjadikan amalan susu budaya hidup!yeah!.

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